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Gorilla Trekking in Uganda to cost US$800 per permit

Uganda Wildlife Authority revises gorilla trekking fees. A part of the fees goes to support projects in communities neighboring the national parks.

Uganda Wildlife Authority Announces Changes in Permit Tariffs for Primate Trekking Experiences

Planning to tick off that bucketlist of gorilla trekking in Uganda? Just want to let you know about some changes to the permit prices for gorilla and chimpanzee trekking in Uganda. Effective from July 1st, 2024, visitors can expect an adjustment in permit fees across renowned parks including Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga National Park, Kibale Forest National Park, and Queen Elizabeth National Park.

The revised tariffs are as follows:

  • Gorilla trekking permit fee: $800 (old tariff $700)

  • Chimpanzee permits in Kibale Forest National Park: $250 (old tariff $200)

  • Chimpanzee Habituation permits: $300 (old tariff $250)

  • Chimpanzee permits in Kyambura Gorge (Queen Elizabeth National Park): $100 (old tariff $50)

The new tariffs take effect from 1st April 2024. If you are ready to travel, book your permit today before the end of March, and you will save $100. All bookings and payments made until March 31st, 2024, will be processed under the old tariff, allowing travelers to secure permits for gorilla trekking at the current rate of $700.

Uganda is home to 26 gorilla family groups that are open to visitors from around the world. With approximately 50% of the world’s mountain gorillas residing within its borders, Uganda is a much sought-after gorilla trekking destination. This presents an unparalleled chance for wildlife enthusiasts to experience these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

You can only get a gorilla trekking permit through registered and licensed tour companies like Kwezi Outdoors. Registered companies are licensed by the Uganda Tourism Board.